Customs Cracks Down on 31,275 Illegal Trades in 2024

Indonesia’s Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, highlighted the Ministry of Finance’s success in combating illegal trade through the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC). From January to November 2024, 31,275 enforcement actions were carried out. “Since the beginning of 2024, there have been 31,275 anti-smuggling operations in customs and excise, averaging more than […]

Industrial Zone to be Developed in Maros Regency, South Sulawesi

PT Kawasan Industri Makassar (KIMA) has announced plans to develop a new industrial area in Maros Regency, South Sulawesi. Achmad Daeng Sere, a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission VII, has expressed full support for the project, emphasizing its potential to boost the local economy. “In our in-depth discussion, PT KIMA’s CEO shared […]

Legislator Criticizes Tax-Free Policy on Milk Imports

The tax-free import policy on milk has sparked protests among local dairy farmers, who feel the policy favors imported milk over domestic production. Daniel Johan, a member of Indonesia’s House of Representatives Commission IV, has criticized the policy, urging the government to prioritize the interests of local dairy farmers. Across Indonesia, dairy farmers have protested […]

Sidan Dam in Bali to Be Completed by End of November, Supplying Water for 1.3 Million People

The Sidan Dam, located across the districts of Badung, Bangli, and Gianyar in Bali, is targeted for completion by the end of November 2024. This dam will provide clean water to serve 1.3 million residents. Minister of Public Works Dody Hanggodo, alongside Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), inspected the […]

Government Mandates Dairy Processing Industry to Absorb All Milk from Local Farmers

Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman successfully facilitated a meeting between dairy farmers, collectors, and the dairy processing industry, resulting in a government mandate requiring the industry to absorb all milk produced by local farmers. “We have gathered the industry, farmers, and collectors. Everyone has agreed to work together,” said Minister Amran at a press […]

Subsidized Fertilizer Will Be Delivered Directly to Farmers

Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman announced a simplified fertilizer distribution process, ensuring direct delivery to farmers. “We have agreed to make the process shorter, easier, and simpler. Representing the government, I signed this decision for fertilizer distribution. We are entrusting it to Pupuk Indonesia directly, delivering straight to farmers to streamline the system,” he […]

House of Representatives Pushes Ministry of Industry to Establish Textile Directorate

Member of Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Muhammad Hatta, expressed concerns about the state of the textile industry in Indonesia. He highlighted the bankruptcy of Sritex as a sign that the government needs to pay more attention to the domestic textile industry. “Sritex alone employed 50,000 people. Multiply that by […]

Regulations for the Tobacco Industry Should Consider All Aspirations

Indonesian House of Representatives member, Willy Aditya, emphasized that tobacco industry regulations should embrace all stakeholder aspirations, given that tobacco excise taxes remain a crucial contributor to Indonesia’s national revenue. “We cannot make regulations that disregard various interests; we need to consider every perspective,” Willy stated on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. The NasDem Party politician […]

Japan to Expand Employment Opportunities for Indonesian Migrant Workers

Japan’s Ambassador to Indonesia, Masaki Yasushi, recently met with Indonesia’s Minister of Migrant Worker Protection (BP2MI), Abdul Kadir Karding. In the meeting, Ambassador Yasushi announced Japan’s plans to expand employment opportunities in the hospitality and industrial sectors for Indonesian migrant workers. The meeting between Karding and Yasushi took place at the Ministry’s office in Jakarta […]

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